Printed from https://sultry.writing.com/main/search
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This is a simple search system. Searches will check the item id, title, brief / teaser descriptions and keywords for each item in our database. Search will be case insensitive. Separate words within a phrase with space and separate individual keywords and phrases with a , (comma). To search for an author, please go to our Authors page.

Enter Search Text
Exclude Words:

Here are a few example searches:

  1. apple would match "This is a big, red apple."
  2. ApPle would match "This is a big, red apple."
  3. big%apple would match "This is a big, red apple."
  4. big apple would NOT match "This is a big, red apple."
  5. red apple would match "This is a big, red apple."
  6. 100015 would match item id "100015"

Printed from https://sultry.writing.com/main/search